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Signal Processing
What is a Torque Sensor
Torque sensors are devices for measuring and recording the torque on rotating systems such as gearboxes, crankshafts, rotors and engines. These are often used in industrial and technical applications to track the effectiveness of various systems, including machines, motors, and engines.
What are the types and uses of vibration sensors
Various types of vibration sensors are available, but a type called accelerometer is normally used as it offers advantages over other sensors. An accelerometer is a sensor that produces an electrical signal that is proportional to the acceleration of the vibrating component to which the accelerometer is attached.
Introduction to Wavelet Signal Processing
Wavelets are functions that you can use to decompose signals. Just as the Fourier transform decomposes a signal into a family of complex sinusoids, the wavelet transform decomposes a signal into a family of wavelets.